Let’s face it, everything has changed. When thinking about all of our adjustments to how we connect and work online in our #NewNormal, parents and those who care for kids are pushed into an even newer realm of learning. Our Dad circle started talking about the challenges of an online education. Besides the obvious... eliminating distractions to clear the path to a focus lesson through zoom and having all the tools at their kids’ fingers, one of the topics that came up was learning styles.
By knowing how your child learns is a big part of helping them perform to their full potential. Aligning education with their strengths will minimize frustration and give them an understanding of how they learn. It also allows them to be advocates for themselves when the lessons aren’t communicated in a style they can understand. The empowerment starts with finding out their learning style.
There are 7 Different Learning Styles
Note that although people often stick to a learning style that suits them, research shows that blending different learning styles together might prove effective. You will find that one of these ways of learning might come more natural for your child, be prepared to use that to help them learn.
Visual learners do well when they use pictures, diagrams, colors, graphs, and symbols.
Verbal learners like reciting information out loud, writing their own notes and highlighting the key points. Writing, tongue twisters, rhymes, word play, may indicate that this learning style is for your child.
These learners develop understanding and memory by hearing and listening. These students find it easier to be given spoken instructions rather than reading, aural learning will benefit them.
Physical learners learn by doing, moving, touching, and building. You may describe them as ‘hands-on”. These children use their body and sense of touch to learn.
You may spot these kids quickly because they ask a lot of questions. These students want to understand the whole picture. They learn by classifying, categorizing and thinking abstractly about patterns & relationships.
If your child likes taking part in a group rather than doing things on your own, you may have a social learner. They like generating ideas by brainstorming with others.
These children are independent and introspective, spending a lot of time on their own. They will gain a deeper understanding of lessons alone.
All of the learning styles above are valid. And, by identifying how your kids learn will only help them understand how they need to have information presented to them.