The Best Gifts in Life Are Not Gifts…

by Gabbie Aquino-Adriatico
Nov 30, 2020

December is one of my favorite months of the year because I get to spend time with my family, my community, my sisters, my people. It’s usually a time filled with family, loved ones, good food, music, laughter, and dancing.

But this year it’s so different because of COVID-19.

We can’t get together, we can’t eat together, we can’t play bingo or even dance until the moon tells us it’s time for bed.

I enter December with grief this year, but also with hope.

Because of the rising cases of COVID-19 and how this virus disproportionately impacts Black and Brown communities, my partner and I are choosing to stay home this month. It was a sad and tough decision but honestly – what it all came down to was knowing this tiny (and sad) sacrifice is nothing compared to the joy we will experience once we get through this pandemic. And I believe and have hope that we will get through this experience.

I hope and yearn for the day I get to be with my family safely – my lolo and lola, my titas and titos, my cousins, siblings, nieces and nephews. They are the best gifts in life.

The best gifts in life are not gifts – especially during this gift giving season. The best gift in life is life – the quality of life and livelihood of our communities.